Lorenz Weber
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What is it that you said?
by Shun Ikezoe
What is it that you said?
by Shun Ikezoe
On March 28, 2020, the Governor of Tokyo told us to, "Refrain from going out unnecessarily," and I had to cancel a scheduled shoot. The next day, snow fell unseasonably and within a few days there was no trace of it. Two years ago, my mother went into a deep slumber and has not yet woken up from her dreams. The Chinese man across the street is dreaming and shouting again tonight. My apartment became the center of my universe and I fought more with my girlfriend who lives with me. I rolled my camera and listened to the sounds around me. I heard the words that came from the faraway you and the nearby you. What is it that you said?
Cast / Eri Saito
Cinematography / Shun Ikezoe
Sound design / Izumi Matsuno
Text / Eri Saito
Music / Lorenz Weber
Editing / Shun Ikezoe
Producer / Aiko Masubuchi
Title Design / Riku Hoshika
Subtitle / Hazuki Kamijo / Sijia Luo / Shu Geizen
Director / Shun Ikezoe
Poster design
by Riku Hoshika
8mm / 16mm film, 20min, color, 5.1ch, Japan 2021
Cinematography / Shun Ikezoe
Sound design / Izumi Matsuno
Text / Eri Saito
Music / Lorenz Weber
Editing / Shun Ikezoe
Producer / Aiko Masubuchi
Title Design / Riku Hoshika
Subtitle / Hazuki Kamijo / Sijia Luo / Shu Geizen
Director / Shun Ikezoe
Poster design
by Riku Hoshika
8mm / 16mm film, 20min, color, 5.1ch, Japan 2021
第14回 恵比寿映像祭 - 東京都写真美術館(東京)
第36回 ベルフォール国際映画祭 - Belfort Pathé Cinema ショートフィルムコンペティション部門(ベルフォール・フランス)
第5回 Black Canvas 映画祭 ショートフィルムコンペティション部門(メキシコ)
第59回 ニューヨーク映画祭 Currents部門(ニューヨーク・アメリカ)